So I've been putting off starting this blog for a long time. Mostly because I couldn't come up with anything profound to say that felt worthy of being the first post. Heads up - I still haven't. But never the less, I decided to just go for it and write something. After all, this blog is not going to be the most profound thing you've ever read - probably the furthest thing from really. I'm not a writer at all- when I do have to write, I write like a scientist. The majority of my writing is in a lab notebook or a lab report, so its not flowery. It's too the point. Straight forward. Which I don't think is a bad thing, its just not the typical blogger style.
But anyways, let's talk about Kosova since that is what this blog is meant to be about. Where am I now? preparation mode. July 19th is coming up much faster than I expected, and I don't feel prepared at all. I feel physically prepared - I think I've bought enough work clothes (news flash - lab scientists don't dress up so I've had to get a new teacher wardrobe) and think I have all the items I need. But I don't feel mentally prepared. But how can I? I've only been to Kosova once, for just a few days, and that was 2 years ago. I've never taught a class before. And I only know 4 words in Albanian - and they're not the most useful ones.
But, every time I've tried to work on getting mentally prepared, looked for teaching experience or at least a tutoring job, God has closed the door. I think He wants me to be unprepared. That way, if I don't completely blow it, I'll know that it was Him and His guidance that got me through.
So, there you go. Even though I believe 100% that this is what God is calling me to do, doesn't mean that I magically know how to do it. God's people are just regular people. But with a great God to lead us.
What do you know - maybe that was profound. :)